ASNOM memorial center in Pelince
The Memorial center in Pelince village is dedicated to the First Assembly of ASNOM held on August 2, 1944 in the monastery St. Prohor Pchinski.
The Memorial center in Pelince village is dedicated to the First Assembly of ASNOM held on August 2, 1944 in the monastery St. Prohor Pchinski.
Црквата Свети Ѓорѓи во село Старо Нагоричане била подигната врз остатоците на постар храм, кој според едно предание го изградил византискиот цар Роман IV Диоген (1067— 1071).
Polog monastery - St. George The Polog monastery dedicated to St. George is located on the slopes of Mount Viseshnica, next to the artificial lake Tikves, on the border between…
Село Скочивир е постара словенска населба која за првпат се споменува во пописните турски дефтери од 1468 г. Селото е сместено на 600 м надморска висина и во негова близина Црна Река влегува во клисурата, односно прекинува нејзиниот „мирен тек“. Од тука се претпоставува дека потекнува и името на селото, односно од зборовите: скокни вир или скочи вир.
Budimirci village is located on the right side of Crna River (Црна Река) at an altitude of 800 meters, 53 km from Bitola. The area of this village rises high…
Staravina village, once a center of the Staravina Municipality is located 50 km from Bitola. This village is known for the story of Kalesh Angja, a beautiful girl from Mariovo…
According to the legend, King Marko (Marko Krale) built a house for his sister Peshna at the entrance of the cave, and so it still carries her name today. On…
The oldest traces of life in Strumica city date from about 3500 BC, and it can be assumed that the hill above the city with its position enabled a good defense of the settlements.
Kolesino waterfall is located 500 m above sea level on the northern slopes of the mountain Belasica, in the lower course of the Baba River.
The Smolare waterfall is located on the north side of the Belasica Mountain, along the course of Lomnica River, at 600 meters above sea level. Smolare is the only permanent…
The monastery Vodoča (Vodoca churches) dedicated to Saint Leontius is situated in the village of Vodoca, about 5 km west of Strumica city. According to archaeological findings, the first church…
Veljusa Monastery is an active female monastery dedicated to St. Mary, located at altitude 400 meters above sea level, 8 km west of Strumica city. The monastery church was erected by the monk Manuel in 1080.
Konjarka is a picnic location near Skochivir village 38 km from Bitola. It is situated beside the clean “Konjarka” River whose spring is located near the peak Kajmakchalan, to the…
Mountaineering house "Shiroka" or also known as "Lovechka" (Hunters house) is located at about 1940 m above sea level, along the macadam road leading to the peak Pelister.
The Small Lake (Мало Езеро) is a postglacial ice lake located on Mount Baba within the Pelister National Park. It is located at an altitude of 2,190 m. The deepest depth of the lake at high water level is 3.35 meters.
People in Bitola say: “If you were in Bitola and you haven’t walked through the Main Street "Shirok Sokak", than you have seen nothing.” Sirok Sokak (Широк Сокак – Wide…
Bezisten – Covered Bazaar in Bitola – 360* Virtual Walk - Built in the XV century, this covered bazaar is a donation of Begler-Bey of Rumelia, the Grand Vizier and the famous donor Kodzha Daut Pasha Uzuncarsili.
The Monastery "St. George the Victorious" (Свети Георгиј Победоносец) is situated two kilometers from Debar in the Rajcica (Рајчица) village, just below the road to Mavrovo.
Paradise Valley (Рајска долина) is a fish farm and a restaurant near village Kuratica, Ohrid region, Macedonia. Situated in a lush nature along the road ”Prentov most” – “Kuratica”, what is particularly captivating about this restaurant is the authentic ambience complemented by small ponds in which trout and carp are grown.
The last sunny day of November 2017 was a motive plus for the members of OFF ROAD Macedonia to visit Mariovo region. Mitko Krstevski, Pargovski Jove and Bobo Gruevski headed…
St. Mercurius (Св. Меркурие) monastery is located in the western part of village Bareshani.
The Memorial house of Tatarcevi is located in the center of Resen, at the place where the original house of Hristo Tatarchev was.
St. George monastery is located 1.7 km west from village Velushina in Bitola municipality.
At the French military cemetery in Bitola there are more than 13,262 soldiers of the French army killed on the Macedonian front during the First World War.
The auto and ethno museum "Filip" in village of Krklino near Bitola is one of the richest private museums in Republic of Macedonia and a great place to visit if you are near Bitola.
The monastery dedicated to St. Elijah (Св. Илија) also known by the local population as “Bren“ is located near the village Gradeshnitsa, Mariovo region.
Magnolia Square Bitola - 360 Virtual walk - Take a walk through the center of Bitola - the city of the consuls.
The Monastery of Saint Jovan Bigorski is one of the most famous Macedonian monasteries. Its ocated in the western part of Macedonia, near the road connecting the towns of Debar and Gostivar.
Ljubanishta is a village located on the east coast of Lake Ohrid, south of the city of Ohrid near the Monastery St. Naum.
Stenje is a village in the Municipality of Resen on the shores of Prespa Lake at the eastern foot of Galicica Mountain.