Konjarka – picnic location near village Skocivir – Novaci Municipality

Konjarka – picnic location near village Skocivir – Novaci Municipality

Konjarka is a picnic location near Skochivir village 38 km from Bitola. It is situated beside the clean “Konjarka” River whose spring is located near the peak Kajmakchalan, to the border with neighboring Greece at an altitude of 2,260 m.

The riverbed of Konyarka River is directed west, and the entire basin is formed in the forest area. In “Crna River” it flows below the hill “Vrh” at an altitude of 550 m. It is 15 km long river and it has an area of 63 km2 and relative decline of 114 ‰.

Recently, the Konjarka picnic area was completely renovated by the Municipality of Novaci and today it is one of the most popular picnic locations in this part of Macedonia.

Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци


Коњарка - излетничко место - Општина Новаци

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