Одржлив туризам - дводневна обука во организација на ЛДА - Струга - 29-30.03.2019

Sustainable Tourism – two-day training organized by LDA – Struga – 29-30.03.2019

Sustainable Tourism – two-day training

On 29-30.03.2019, a two-day training was held on the topic “Sustainable Tourism”, organized by the Local Development Agency – Struga (LDA – Struga).
This training was intended to convey to the participants the positive experiences on how, their rebranded services and products could fit into the tourist offer and create added value.

Within the two-day training, the following topics were covered:

• Introduction to green and sustainable tourism
• Steps to ecologize a tourist service;
• Using and prioritizing sustainable practices in the tourism business;
• Analysis of the negative impact on the environment from mass tourism;
• Positioning your business in the context of sustainable tourism;
• Innovation and sustainable green tourism;
• Turning your business into a sustainable tourism context.

Одржлив туризам - дводневна обука во организација на ЛДА - Струга - 29-30.03.2019

Our member – Pargovski Jove as a representative of the Association for Exploration and Travel OFF ROAD MACEDONIA – Bitola, also attended the training.

The activity was carried out within the project: Beyond Borders – Introducing Smart Tourism and Sharing Economy / IPA CBC MK AL

Ohrid old town photo gallery 29-30.03.2019

After the completion of the work part, some of the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the beauties of Ohrid city under the guidance of the tourist guide Katerina Vasilevska. This was also a great opportunity for the creation of the following photo gallery.

#Ohrid city #Macedonia
#Ohrid city #Macedonia

View toward Ohrid Lake and old part of Ohrid city

#Ohrid city #Macedonia
#Ohrid city #Macedonia
Magnolia tree

View toward St. John church

St. John - Kaneo - #Ohrid city #Macedonia


#OhridLake #Macedonia


Harbor - Ohrid city - Macedonia


View toward old part of Ohrid city, Macedonia



Ohrid Lake Macedonia


Ohrid - Macedonia


Ohrid Lake, Macedonia


Ohrid city at night

Ohrid city at night, #Macedonia


Ohrid city at night, #Macedonia


Ohrid city at night, #Ohrid #Macedonia


Ohrid city at night, #Ohrid #Macedonia #Magnolia


Ohrid city at night, Macedonia


Ohrid city at night, Macedonia


Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) church

Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) – Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) – Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) – Ohrid, Macedonia


Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) – Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) – Ohrid, Macedonia


Tomb og Gligor Prlichev - Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) church – Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary Perybleptos (St. Clement) church – Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary church – Panados (Sv. Bogorodica Pandonos)

St. Mary church (Sv. Bogorodica Pandonos), Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Mary church (Sv. Bogorodica Pandonos), Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Mary church (Sv. Bogorodica Pandonos), Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Mary church (Sv. Bogorodica Pandonos), Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Mary church (Sv. Bogorodica Pandonos), Ohrid, Macedonia


Ancient Theater

Ancient Theater in Ohrid city, Macedonia


Ancient Theater in Ohrid city, Macedonia


View toward Holy Mary Perybleptos church


View toward Holy Mary Perybleptos church


Plaoshnik – Saint Pantelejmon/Saint Kliment church

Plaoshnik - Saint Pantelejmon/Saint Kliment church, Ohrid, Macedonia


Plaoshnik - Saint Pantelejmon/Saint Kliment church, Ohrid, Macedonia


View toward Ohrid Lake

View toward Ohrid Lake


View toward Ohrid Lake

St. John church near Ohrid Lake – Location “Kaneo”

St. John - Kaneo - #Ohrid city #Macedonia


St. John - Kaneo - #Ohrid city #Macedonia


View toward Ohrid Lake


St. John - Kaneo - #Ohrid city #Macedonia


St. John - Kaneo - #Ohrid city #Macedonia


View toward Ohrid Lake


Ohrid old town



Traditional architecture - Ohrid city, Macedonia




St. John Kaneo church, Ohrid, Macedonia


Ohrid, Macedonia


Table for two - Ohrid Lake, Macedonia


Ohrid Lake, Macedonia


Ohrid Lake, Macedonia


Traditional Ohrid architecture

Traditional Ohrid architecture


St. Sofia church

St. Sofia church, Ohrid, Macedonia


Reconstruction of old boat used in Ohrid Lake in the past

Reconstruction of old boat used in Ohrid Lake in the past


Traditional architecture in old town Ohrid

Traditional architecture in old town Ohrid, Macedonia


Traditional architecture in old town Ohrid, Macedonia


Ohrid museum – House of “Robevci”

Ohrid museum - House of "Robevci"


Street in old town Ohrid, Macedonia


Street in old town Ohrid, Macedonia


Street in old town Ohrid, Macedonia


Street in old town Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Kliment – (small) church

St. Kliment - (small) church, Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Kliment - (small) church, Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Kliment - (small) church, Ohrid, Macedonia


St. Kliment - (small) church, Ohrid, Macedonia


Holy Mary – Bolnichka – church

Holy Mary - Bolnichka - church, Ohrid, Macedonia